New DataFlex Web Grid Layout
DataFlex 23.0 introduces for Web Applications a new layout called Grid Layout. Typical Web pages are single axis oriented design based on Flexible Box Layout. The new Grid Layout is optimized for 2 a dimensional layout. In simple words, the Grid Layout allows to control the vertical position of a control in the page. To use this new layout type, simple change the peLayoutType web property to ltGrid on web container objects:
Object oWebMainPanel is a cWebPanel
Set piColumnCount to 16
Set peLayoutType to ltGrid
Set psRowHeights to "0/175 1/240 2/75 3/75"
Object oWebEdit1 is a cWebEdit
Set piColumnSpan to 10
Set pbFillHeight to True
Set psLabel to "Edit 1"
Object oWebEdit2 is a cWebEdit
Set piColumnSpan to 6
Set pbFillHeight to True
Set psLabel to "Edit 2"
Object oWebEdit3 is a cWebEdit
Set piColumnSpan to 16
Set pbFillHeight to True
Set psLabel to "Edit 3"
Object oWebEdit4 is a cWebEdit
Set piColumnSpan to 8
Set psLabel to "Edit 4"
Set piRowIndex to 2
Set piColumnIndex to 0
Set pbFillHeight to True
Object oWebEdit5 is a cWebEdit
Set piColumnSpan to 8
Set psLabel to "Edit 5"
Set piRowIndex to 3
Set piColumnIndex to 0
Set pbFillHeight to True
On the previous code the columns are set to 16. This is not changed from previous versions. The new property peLayoutType is set to ltGrid which allows to set the layout to grid and psRowHeights contains the detail of each row height (px). Row 0 is 175px, row 1 is 240px, row 2 is 75px, row 3 is 75px.
When pgLayoutType is set to ltInherit the container will take the parent layout type.